Dr. Newby is out on his walk, undeterred by the heat. With the sun high and temperatures rising, he’s setting an example: if he can get out there and stay active, so can anyone else. But as always, he has a reminder to be smart and safe with physical activity, especially in hot weather. Dr. Newby knows his limits and encourages everyone to find and respect their own.
For those who may find it too hot to be outdoors, he offers practical alternatives. Local malls provide a cool, air-conditioned place to walk, as do gyms with safe, controlled environments. It’s not about where you walk—it’s about making the effort to move. He knows that staying active is essential, and he’s sharing this message to keep everyone motivated to find their own way to do it.
So, his “crazy word for the day” is simple but genuine: let’s get out, get moving, and take care of our health. No excuses—just adjustments.