The Tower Garden Project
We have collaborated with an awesome group of people, all of whom are committed to improving the lives of children! The Tower Gardens in Classroom Project was funded by Sentara Cares of the Sentara Health System, just another example of their commitment to bettering the health and well-being of our community.

Infinity Empowerment Srervices
We could not do it without Beverly Grandison of Infinity Empowerment Services and Juice Plus, our “boots on the ground” force & our motivator! Beverly has an infectious energy and provides education and support in the classrooms to help the teachers and students bring the Tower Gardens to life. She met with the classes regularly to be a presence during their growing experience and share nutritional information in a fun and relatable way!

Norfolk Public Schools
​Lisa Winter, Senior Director of Norfolk Public School of Nutrition (www.npsk12.com/nutrition), and her team were extremely supportive every step of the way. They helped to get us in front of the right people to kick off the program, offered guidance on protocols, and allowed us to use the Central Kitchen facility to prepare for the parties and store the ingredients.

Youth Earn & Learn
We purchased the produce from Youth Earn and Learn Jobs-for-Kids©, founded by Karen Bailey (youthearnandlearnonline.org). Their mission is to keep kids off the streets and train and develop the next generation of Leaders, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs. They connect healthy eating with helping Youth and seniors and reducing the impact of food deserts on marginalized communities. They delivered fresh, healthy produce on time and at a competitive price.